

Press release: The "International Law Commission" commits high treason against the United Nations as well as against the whole of humanity

The heart of the United Nations and thus of all humanity is the "highest international law", called "ius cogens".

Officially, the "ius cogens" have so far been the "UN Charter" and international criminal law, today's "Rome Statute".

This heart of the world community can only beat through

  1. the primacy of "ius cogens" over other international treaties under international law, as expressly laid down in Articles 53 and 64 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
  2. the primacy of „ius cogens“-values over those expressed interests in other international treaties
  3. the legal consequence of the direct nullity of conflicting contracts and
  4. the obligation to acknowledge the nullity or to contractually adapt these defective contracts to the higher-ranking provisions of "ius cogens".

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties:

This is to ensure that the very highest international law is actually implemented and not blocked and overruled by international treaties that disregard it.

Download the Press release here.

Press release: MERKEL wants to leave the sinking ship!

By now it should have become clear to parts of the German government that the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed by the slash-and-burn raids that have been raging again for many months to such an extent that the three Amazon climate catastrophe tipping points have been exceeded and the evapotranspiration system is beginning to collapse irreversibly, with apocalyptic consequences for the entire world climate and the global foundations of human life.

The two main causes of the increasingly excessive slash-and-burn clearances are both the Brazilian draft law 191/20 of Bolsonaro on the legalization of land "acquired" by destruction of the rainforest and transformed into beef and soya production, and the exorbitant beef and soya purchase quotas envisaged in the MERCOSUR agreement.

As is well known, Merkel was instrumental in bringing the MERCOSUR agreement to a breakthrough with the central agreement of these beef and soya purchase quotas (against German cars, German machinery and German agrochemicals) and has held to it ironically until recently, despite massive and global protests by climate protectors. The ratification of the MERCOSUR agreement should even be a central focus of Germany's EU Council Presidency, which has just begun.

Now Merkel suddenly declares - apparently as a result of talks with FFF activists - that she has considerable doubts about the implementation of the MERCOSUR agreement.

In fact, however, she wants to sneak out - supposedly in time - of her responsibility for the decisive co-responsibility for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and its evapotranspiration system and thus of the entire world climate.

It will not succeed in this, because the connections are extremely obvious and their global effects are extremely dramatic and fatally irreversible.

As a major contributor to the global climate catastrophe that is now about to begin, she will also have to be brought before the International Criminal Court in The Hague on charges of global genocide and crimes against the whole of humanity under international criminal law.

Even if this prosecution by the International Criminal Court comes far too late to be able to successfully save humanity.

Karlsruhe, August 21, 2020

Gisela Toussaint
Geigersbergstr. 31
76227 Karlsruhe

Priority of Paris Agreement as new „ius cogens“ over WTO – climate protective fundamental reform of WTO required

Hier finden Sie einen außerordentlich interessanten ZEIT-Artikel über Äußerungen von Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier, der nach seiner altbekannten Strategie vorgeht, öffentlich Fehler einzuräumen, in Wirklichkeit aber alles beim Alten zu lassen und erneut eine massiv neoliberale Ausrichtung zu propagieren:

Interessanterweise sagt er am Ende:

„Alle Lösungen (zur Umsetzung des Paris Abkommens) müssen marktwirtschaftlichen Prinzipien folgen und mit den Regeln der Welthandelsorganisation WTO vereinbar sein“.

Dies behauptet er wohl, weil es sich offenbar nun bis in die Regierung rumgesprochen hat, dass eine (von der Regierung befürchtete) internationale rechtliche Bewertung des Paris Abkommens als „ius cogens“ genau das Gegenteil zur Folge hat, nämlich dass die global überlebensnotwendigen Klimaschutzmaßnahmen und die klimaschutzbedingten, grundlegenden wirtschaftspolitischen Strukturveränderungen, wie sie das Paris Abkommen fordert, absoluten Vorrang vor den bisherigen gewinnorientierten Marktprinzipien der WTO haben.

Es sind ja gerade extrem gewinnorientierte Industrien wie die Öl-, Kohle- und Gasindustrie, die unser Klima zerstören. Nach Altmaier müssten diese jedoch fröhlich weiter machen und unsere Welt zerstören dürfen. Der unerträglich hinausgezögerte deutsche Kohleausstieg, der nur noch durch strafbewehrtes kollusives Zusammenarbeiten zwischen Energiekonzernen und Bundesregierung zu erklären ist, ist ein Beispiel seiner Politik.

Altmaiers Kernaussage, dass Klimaschutz durch die Beibehaltung der bisherigen liberalen Marktwirtschaft möglich ist, ist insofern nicht nur absolut unhaltbar sondern vor dem Hintergrund des drohenden Untergangs der gesamten Menschheit zudem auch völkerstrafrechtlich relevant.

Denn der in der liberalen Marktwirtschaft verankerte prinzipielle Vorrang der Gewinnorientierung vor Gemeinwohlinteressen wie Klimaschutz und Ressourcenschonung bewirken, dass dies eben massiv erschwert bzw. unmöglich gemacht wird. Für einen schnellstmöglichen und effektiven Klimaschutz ist die bestehende Wirtschaftsordnung also völlig kontraproduktiv.

Auch Altmaiers Versuch der Verankerung seiner Position mit der WTO ist bemerkenswert, da der von den Industrienationen weltweit postulierte Vorrang der Profitorientierung allen Wirtschaftens vor Gemeinwohl- (und Klimaschutz-) Interessen  ja gerade in Art. XX GATT für die WTO grundlegend normiert ist, dieser bisherige (und immer schon falsche) Vorrang jedoch seit 2015 durch den neuen völkerrechtlichen Vorrang des Paris Abkommens als neues „ius cogens“ gemäß Art. 53, 64 Wiener Vertragsrechtskonvention praktisch nichtig ist und damit untergegangen ist.

Deshalb ist eine tiefgreifende und grundlegende Reform der WTO bzw. der Weltwirtschaft sowohl global überlebenswichtig als auch überfällig, in der der absolute Vorrang von Klimaschutz- und Gemeinwohlinteressen vor Profitinteressen festgeschrieben und durch die die gemäß des Paris Abkommens dringend erforderliche klimaschutzorientierte Transformation der Weltwirtschaft in eine klimaschutzbasierende Weltwirtschaft schnellstmöglich umgesetzt wird - um das Überleben der Menschheit auf diesem Planeten im letzten Moment noch sichern zu können.

Altmaier adé!

Wir brauchen deshalb außerordentlich dringend einen neuen, unbestechlichen, mutigen und visionären Wirtschaftsminister, der nicht stoisch und auf Kosten des Überlebens der gesamten Menschheit der fossilen Industrie weiter exorbitante Profite sichert sondern ganz im Gegenteil für die Sicherung des Überlebens der gesamten Menschheit eintritt, indem er auf eine sofortige klimaschutzbasierte Reform der WTO und der Weltwirtschaft besteht, die massiv klimaschädigenden und klimaschutzblockierenden Freihandelsabkommen wie CETA und EU-MERCOSUR aufkündigt, die massive Subventionierung der fossilen Industrie beendet, einen sofortigen weitgehenden Kohleausstieg ohne jegliche Schadensersatzzahlungen an die Energiekonzerne beschließt und den Klimaschutz in Deutschland in allen wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Bereichen mit allerhöchster Priorität durchsetzt.

Karlsruhe, 5.8.2020
Gisela Toussaint
Gergersbergstr. 31
76227 Karlsruhe

2 international law instruments to save the world

Mail to UN Secretary-General from August 2nd 2020

Honorable UN Secretary-General António Guterres,

you will know these latest most alarming news about ongoing massive and encreasing slash and burn-devastation against the Amazon rainforest.

The arsonists go on to slash and burn

  • despite of the new fire moratorium.
  • despite of all your UN-appeals to save the Amazon as „lungs of earth“ and biggest global carbon sink.
  • despite of all your daily UN-appeals to fulfill the Paris Agreement to save climate and mankind.

So this UN-appeal policy most obviously does not work!

As Bolsonaro is still promoting to industrialize the Amazon area by land grabbing and destroying, still promoting the draft law 191/29 and still massively reducing the power of the brazilian ministry of environment to stop them prosecuting the arsonists to protect the Amazon, much more than UN-appeals have to be directed to him to stop him and his helpers.

And you will very clearly know that the international law does provide even two most powerful instruments which just need to be activated by you:

  • The International Criminal Court can force chiefs of governments like Bolsonaro to stop massively acting against the Paris Agreement by prosecuting and charging them of crime against humanity and genocide
  • The UN-General Assembly can proclaim the Paris Agreement a new „ius cogens“ and so most quickly implement the Paris Agreement at all legal, political and economic levels and start the most urgently needed climate protective „transformation“ of WTO and whole world economy to save mankind from climate collapse.

So it is your highest duty as UN Secretary-General to without any further delay proclaim with all your power that the Paris Agreement is a new „ius cogens“ which has to be implemented with absolute priority and that the International Criminal Court is most urgently oblidged to prosecute Bolsonaro and others as well as their helpers of crime against humanity and genocide.

For this proclamation you have been asked several times within the last three months to organize an Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly to decide a most efficient Emergency Resolution. 

So please do this at once before it is too late.

Because if it is already too late to save the Amazon rainforest and so to save whole mankind, this whould be your personal fault!

So whole mankind would blame you for not having proclaimed the right international law instruments in time to save the world !!!!

Don`t hessitate any longer to act!

Your sincerely

Gisela Toussaint
Geigersbergstr. 31

76227 Karlsruhe

FFF-Open Letter to Guterres

Today the „FrifdaysForFuture – ICC Climate Action“ group called in an open letter to António Guterres to immediately convene an Emergency Special Session to save the world. You can download it here.

Website FFF-ICC Climate Action

Finally the website of the „FrifdaysForFuture – ICC Climate Action“ group is ready and you can find it here.

Press release FridaysForFuture calls for UN emergency special session

Today, the Amazon is already 20% destroyed and is being destroyed daily. The UN appeal strategy for immediate and comprehensive implementation of the Paris Agreement has not worked.

As a result, FFF-ICC Climate Action has written a letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres, because an "emergency special session" of the UN General Assembly has to be convened to decide on highly effective measures in an "emergency resolution" to avert 3 climate collapse tipping points which are threatening to occur immediately due to the continued massive slash-and-burn deforestation in the Amazon region, thus threatening the viability of humanity.

Tipping points:
1. the collapse of the Amazon rainforest's evapotranspiration system (ability to self-hydrate) from 20-25% rainforest destruction.
2. the irreversible loss of the largest CO2 sink on earth and its transformation into a huge source of CO2 [2].
3. the carbon crunch curve will become too steep to save the climate, global warming will get out of control. [1][2][3][4].

Guterres replied and forwarded the letter to the President of the UN General Assembly, Mr. Tijjani Muhammad Bande. See annex and [6].

Now, at the latest by the end of June, the "emergency special session" must take place in order to decide on the effective protection measures we have already listed (see letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres), in particular through this the activation of the International Criminal Court. Because: massive action against the Paris Agreement, such as the destruction of the Amazon rainforest is, according to the definition of the International Criminal Court, Article 6c "genocide" and/or according to Article 7 Rome Statute "crime against humanity", so that those responsible for the destruction can be accused and sentenced before the International Criminal Court and at the same time the court can order drastic protective measures according to Article 68 Rome Statute.

The continuation of the fires in the Amazon, especially from August on, when the fires will become much stronger like last year, would once again drastically increase the destruction of about 20% of the Amazon rainforest [3].

This must not happen any more, because from 20 - 25% destruction [5a] the rainforest system will collapse according to calculations of high-ranking scientists like Thomas Lovejoy and Carlos Nobre, this will cause further tipping points as well as a dramatic heat and thus the destruction of the global basis of life, as well as the entire mankind.

We therefore call upon the whole world to support the immediate convening of the emergency special session of the UN General Assembly in June 2020 with all its strength and to call upon it to do the same, in order to avert the imminent entry of the Amazon tipping points just in time by adopting the emergency resolution (see letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres).

Yours sincerely,

Elias Pfeffer - FridaysForFuture - ICC Climate Action

+4917663895331, Schickhardtstr. 9, 72072 Tübingen, Germany



Letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres
Response from UN Secretary General António Guterres

Download Press release