

ZKM – „Critical Zones“ Lecture

This contribution could not be broadcast live for technical reasons and so is online here.

Public appeal to the Chief Prosecutor of International Criminal Court in The Hague

Prevent the imminent arrival in 2020 of 3 Amazon climate catastrophe tipping points

  1. by immediately bringing charges before the ICC against governments, CEOs and investors and their helpers  for global genocide (Art. 6(c) Rome Statute) or Crimes against humanity (7(1)b Rome Statute)
    by failing to comply with or massively violating the Paris Convention
  2. by immediately ordering effective protective measures (Art. 68 Rome Statute) to protect the Amazon rainforest and the indigenous peoples living there as well as the entire world population!

We, the inhabitants of this one and only earth, all together face the seemingly (!) unsolvable problem that our livelihoods are not only being destroyed in dramatic proportions, but that we are acutely threatened by three caused by individuals climate collapse tipping points in 2020:

Download the public appeal here

Sign the appeal here


Alliance to save the world

Dear António Guterres (UNSG), Fatou Bensouda (ICC), Amal Clooney (ICC), Jennifer Morgan (Greenpeace Int.), Dr. Monica de Bolle (Peterson Institute), Prof. Schellnhuber (PIK),

as you all know: If the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest continuous by only one further percent several tipping points of our climate will occur = point of no return for climate change. In short: The Evapotranspiration system gets lost (ability to self humidification) [1], → earth's biggest CO2 sink disappears[2], → quick enough shut down of CO2 emissions to stop global warming won't be possible anymore [1][2][3][4]

This causing is global genocide according to article 6(c) Rome Statute and crime against humanity article 7 (1)b Rome Statute! Fatou Bensouda and Amal Clooney: Please publish an official statement in the name of the International Criminal Court, start an investigation and implement protective measurements (Art. 68 Rome Statute).

António Guterres: Please ask the UNGA members to convene an emergency special session to convoke an emergency resolution.[5]

Jennifer Morgan, Dr. Monica de Bolle, Prof. Schellnhuber: Please organize an international, public support for our alliance with your scientific expertise.

Please report back and contact within each other.

Sincerely yours,

Elias Pfeffer - FridaysForFuture Europe

Schickhardtstr. 9, 72072 Tübingen, Germany, phone: +4917663895331






Emergency Special Session to Save our World

The international working group "Fridays for Future - ICC Climate Action" has asked UN Secretary-General António Guterres to ask the UN member states to convene an "Emergency Special Session" immediately.

This is because effective immediate measures against the threat of three man made climate catastrophe tipping points, which are still looming in 2020, must be discussed, decided upon and, in particular, implemented by the ICC.

We ask for worldwide media support. 

You can download the official letter here.

Quickly saving the world

Open letter to the President of the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany

Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Voßkuhle,

so unmittelbar vor Ihrer Pensionierung und möglicherweise auch, um den Verlust des öffentlichen Vertrauens wegen der Person Ihres designierten Nachfolgers ein wenig abzumildern, könnten Sie als ranghöchster Repräsentant der Juristinnen und Juristen Deutschlands doch „kurz mal die Welt retten“.

Denn ein entscheidender Beitrag der juristischen Elite zur Rettung der Welt vor dem Eintritt der Klimakatastrophe ist nicht nur absolut überfällig sondern wohl praktisch bereits ab Ende diesen Jahres 2020 wegen des dann irreversiblen Eintritts von gleich drei menschengemachten Climate Collapse Tipping Points irrwitzigerweise auch gar nicht mehr möglich.

Die verbleibende Zeit ist also denkbar knapp.

Der gesamte Brief kann hier downgeloadet werden.

Climate Collapse Triple Tipping Point Year 2020

To at once avoid the threatening occurrence of even three manmade and then unreversable climate collapse tipping points in this year 2020 the call for an 11th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly – as telefone-conference – is needed to decide the „Global Emergency Resolution against Global genocide“, which you can download here.

Please support with all your power and on every level the very soon convening of the 11th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly.

Thank you!

Gisela Toussaint

Karlsruhe/Germany, 31.3.2020

Requested Appointment with ICC to stop Global Genocide

Jean Ziegler, Vice President of UNHRCAC, and a small team have very urgently requested an appointment with Madame Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the ICC, to discuss, how the ICC most effectively may – and has to - stop Global Genocide.

The text of the request you can download here.

The list of supposed culprits you can download here