


PCT patent registration

PCT patent registration for a technical system to register and display free parking spaces on the display of portable navigational system. Preliminary decision by the European Patent Office about the preliminary patentability. Presentation of the system at the ITS Congress in Vienna (Oct. 22 – 26, 2012). Features: fast, reliable and in particular comprehensive display of all free parking spots in real time. This saves CO², noise from cars, time and nerves — and is actually fun. The system will be implemented as per the EU decision regarding the installation of the eCall system into all new cars starting in 2015 and using progress in the implementation of the GALILEO program in the near future. Discussions with leading automotive companies, automotive suppliers, Google, ERTICO, Streetline, telematics companies, traffic control centers, navigational device makers, etc.


e-parking spaces

Extension of the parking space display system to include 'electric yellow' parking spots for smart 'e-parking' with electrical charging stations for electric cars. Input to the "Hubject" consortium.

Automotive summit

Concept for calling of an automotive summit for the European and international automotive industry, as composed for Renault/Nissan in December 2007. The plans called for presentations/exchange of information with leading climate researchers and developers of new, environmentally sound energy and drive technologies, with a focus on reorientation toward widespread electro-mobility.

Solar taxis

Concept for introduction of solar taxis on the occasion of the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India, as elaborated in May 2007 together with managers Shavikesh Goel and Pramod Radhakrishnan of the business consulting firm M+V Development Services Pvt.Ltd. in New Delhi.

Image Campaign BVG

Burnishing of image for the BVG, Berlin's public transit operator, on the occasion of its 100th anniversary in 2002; design, production and marketing of a Chanel fashion line based on the red-and-orange checkered wool plush used for the seats of Berlin's fleet of busses. Support through Partner für Berlin. This brought tremendous attention in the press, with countless newspaper and TV reports, with a Reuters segment broadcast worldwide via CNN.
