

48 Gründe für Nichtigkeitsklage gegen Energiecharta Vertrag (Erweiterte Fassung)

48 Gründe für eine Nichtigkeitsklage gegen den Energiecharta-Vertrag (ECT) durch die neue Bundesregierung beim Internationalen Gerichtshof (IGH) in Den Haag mit Inzidenzprüfung des „ergänzenden delegierten Taxonomie-Rechtsakts“ wegen massiven Verstoßes gegen die höchstrangige und zwingend umzusetzende UN-Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC) und das Paris Abkommen (PA) gem. Art. 53, 64, 65 und 66 Wiener Vertragsrechtskonvention (WVRK) (überarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung)

1. Die Einhaltung und Durchsetzung der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention sowie des Paris Abkommens sind absolut überlebenswichtig für die gesamte Menschheit.

Deshalb müssen über die allgemeinen, aber offensichtlich wenig erfolgreichen Appelle hinaus zusätzlich auch bestehende und höchst effektive völkerrechtliche Sanktions-Instrumente aktiv eingesetzt werden, um die Menschheit mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln effektiv zu schützen.

Hier kommt insbesondere die völkerrechtliche Anerkennung der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention und des Paris Abkommens als neues höchstes und zwingend umzusetzendes Völkerrecht („ius cogens“) in Betracht, denn ein „ius cogens“ bewirkt, dass internationale Verträge, die diesem massiv widersprechen, vom Internationalen Gerichthof als nichtig bewertet werden müssen.

Den ganzen Brief können Sie hier downloaden.

Application to the Federal Constitutional Court for Transfer of proceedings to the Attorney General

Fri 30.04.2021 11:04

High Court,

In the above proceedings, I request that the files be closed and forwarded to the Attorney General of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Because this is not only about grossly erroneous government action in the area of climate protection measures.

By deliberately failing to adopt the urgently needed, survival-critical protective measures against the now massively escalating climate catastrophe, the Federal Government, in particular

  • Chancellor Angela Merkel
  • Environment Minister Svenja Schulze
  • Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier

knowingly and thus intentionally or, with regard to the legal consequences of their actions/omissions, at least conditionally intentionally, is committing the attempt of


genocide according to Art. 6 (c) Rome Statute


crimes against humanity according to Art. 7 paragraph 1 (b) Rome Statute

against the plaintiffs, the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany and the entire world population.

In addition to the - thankfully - clear and unambiguous findings of your Senate, impressive evidence of the intentionality of the defendants' actions can be found, for example, in the following reports:

Emissionsbudget: Zur wichtigsten Zahl beim Klimaschutz schweigt die Regierung - DER SPIEGEL

Geheimsache CO2 - Wie die Klimapläne der Regierung zur Erderwärmung beitragen | Kontraste - YouTube

Moreover, it is questionable whether, due to the repeated years of deliberate delay in the adoption of highly effective measures against global heating by the federal government, the experimental stage has already been exceeded and the occurrence of the demise of the plaintiffs, the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany and the entire world population can no longer be averted, i.e. the elements of a crime are fulfilled.

To make matters worse, the German government is also aware that the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has determined that the maximum level of global warming that can still be bearable, so 1.5°, will not be reached in 2030, but as early as 2024.

In this respect are not for example for years braked and finally obviously completely insufficient measures for the averting of the deadly climatic disaster but absolutely maximum power efforts - like the immediate exit from coal, oil and gas, the immediate ending of any fossil subsidies, the massive subsidization of renewable energies, the active protection of the Amazon rain forest by cancellation of the EU-MERCOSUR agreement, which has been massively destroying the Amazon rain forest since the treaty was announced, as well as a fundamentally new, climate protection-oriented economic policy - necessary to save the plaintiffs, the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as the world population from the all-destroying, in the meantime exponentially increasing global warming.

New climate predictions assess global temperatures in coming five years | World Meteorological Organization (

WMO Provisional Report on the State of the Global Climate in 2020 - English - YouTube

2020 on track to be one of three warmest years on record | World Meteorological Organization (

Animation on the occasion of the Climate Ambition Summit 2020 - English - December 2020 - YouTube

The federal government must resign immediately!

The completely inadequate and still thwarting any highly ambitious climate protection measures Federal Climate Protection Act has to be repealed as a whole immediately.

The above-mentioned, for the survival of the plaintiffs, the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as the entire world population extremely urgently necessary, absolutely maximum protection measures for the averting of the beginning of the irreversible climatic disaster in 2024 are to be decided immediately by the parliament.

Gisela Toussaint
Geigersbergstr. 31
76227 Karlsruhe

Download the document  here

prosecuting banking on climate chaos

Dear Attorney General of Federal Republic of Germany Peter Frank,

In the enclosed new report of the Rainforest Action Network you find all necessary details, how and which banks all over the world massively violate the Paris Agreement by financing fossil industry and so knowingly destroy the entire mankind.

You and your team just have to google the names of the CEOs and board members of all these banks and then you can start official investigations against them because of having committed and further committing 

  • genocide acc. Art. 6 (c) Rome Statute and
  • crime against humanity acc. Art. 7 (1) b Rome Statute.

According to the „Weltrechtssystem“ you are able to start investigations as well against offenders from other states.

And to prevent any further committing of the accused highest crimes you yourself are absolutely oblidged to most officially start investigations against each of the offenders and most immediately stop and prosecute them.

Further the highly illegal invested fossil money is at once to be confiscated and best invested into renewable energy.

Karlsruhe, Germany, March 24 2021

Best regards

Gisela Toussaint
Geigersbergstr. 31
76227 Karlsruhe

Download the document  here

Endlich reagieren sie!

Weil laut WMO bereits 2024 die Erderhitzung auf 1,5° erreicht wird,
New climate predictions assess global temperatures in coming five years | World Meteorological Organization (
2020 on track to be one of three warmest years on record | World Meteorological Organization (
Animation on the occasion of the Climate Ambition Summit 2020 - English - December 2020 - YouTube

  • das Paris Abkommen und die Rettung der Menschheit dann in aller Öffentlichkeit endgültig gescheitert sind,
  • die Legitimation der UNO, aller Regierungen sowie der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) verloren sein wird,
  • alle staatlichen, demokratischen Strukturen sowie die neoliberale Weltwirtschaft im Chaos untergehen werden,


(...und auch der internationale Strafgerichtshof!)

Nur so können wir es vielleicht noch schaffen!

Das Flugblatt hierzu können Sie hier downloaden.

This is the End

This is the end! Is it?

UN Paris Jubilee ignores disaster warning of the WMO and omits - despite acute threat of exceeding the 1.5 degree target already in 2024 - immediate drastic rescue measures.

Press release:

On 12/12/2020, the 5th anniversary of the conclusion of the Paris Agreement was celebrated, by a "Climate Ambition Summit 2020".

Here it was explicitly stated that the major common goal of the Paris Agreement to save humanity was to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, and that this goal would be achieved through "emissions neutrality" starting in 2050. climate-ambition-summit-release.pdf (

In fact, however, the World Meteorological Organization WMO already informed the world public on 8.7.2020 that, according to international scientific calculations, the 1.5 degree target would be exceeded with a probability of 20% already in 2024, i.e. within the next three to four years! New climate predictions assess global temperatures in coming five years | World Meteorological Organization (, 1,5 Grad in Sichtweite - Wissen - (

This absolutely alarming message has the Secretary General of the WMO Petteri Taalas for safety's sake on 2.12.2020, so shortly before the anniversary of the Paris Agreement, again announced worldwide 2020 on track to be one of three warmest years on record | World Meteorological Organization (, Microsoft Word - WMO_Annual_to_Decadal_Climate_Update_2019 (

and also posted a YouTube "Animation on the occasion of the Climate Ambition Summit 2020": Animation on the occasion of the Climate Ambition Summit 2020 - English - December 2020 - YouTube

According to the overwhelming assessment of science, the danger of irreversible climate catastrophe tipping points is very high from exceeding the 1.5 degree target, with the consequence of further dramatic global warming to 3 to 5 degrees and more and the unstoppable horrific destruction of the entire human race. Tipping Elements - the Achilles Heels of the Earth System — Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (

This press release can be downloaded here.

Press Release: Epochal decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

On November 30, 2020, the ECHR allowed a direct action by 6 Portuguese children and adolescents against 33 European states on the grounds of danger to life and limb due to insufficiently effective state climate protection measures.

The plaintiffs could not be expected to go through the courts of these states as an exception due to the extraordinary urgency in terms of time and content, and the action is also of overriding general interest.

The court thus follows the groundbreaking argumentation of the plaintiffs' supporting "Global Legal Action Network" (GLAN) and their legal officer Gerry Liston.

In an urgent procedure, the ECHR now requires the 33 European countries sued to provide evidence of sufficiently effective national climate protection measures within 3 months.

European court orders countries to respond to lawsuit from young climate activists | Global Ideas | DW | 30.11.2020

Portuguese Youth Climate Case v 33 Countries – Portuguese young people versus 33 countries ( 

Here is the application form: Application-form-annex.pdf (

In this unique case, for the first time in the world, it has been possible to force the European governments by urgent proceedings and at the highest level to show within 3 months to what extent they have adopted and implemented sufficiently effective climate protection measures in accordance with their obligations under the Paris Agreement.

Congratulations to the courageous plaintiffs and the most innovative GLAN team as well as to the exceptionally responsible judges of the ECHR.

Alone due to the fact that the limitation of the global warming aimed at in the Paris Agreement on 1,5 degrees according to the newest scientific statements of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) not approximately only in 2100 but already in 2024 are reached and further drastically exceeded - so that with continued not sufficient fulfillment of the Paris Agreement approx. 2100 absolutely deadly 5 degrees would be reached -,

Microsoft Word - WMO_Annual_to_Decadal_Climate_Update_2019 (

2020 may be third hottest year on record, world could hit climate change milestone by 2024 | | UN News

it is to be expected that the European Court of Human Rights, after professional examination, will condemn all defendant states to immediate and absolutely drastic climate protection measures, possibly even to an extraordinarily short-term immediate phase-out of all fossil energy as well as to an extraordinarily short-term complete conversion to renewable energies.

Because only in such a way and only now a threatening exceeding of the 1.5 degree goal in 2024 as well as a global absolutely deadly 5 degrees heat catastrophe in 2100 could possibly still be effectively prevented.

Karlsruhe, 15.12.2020
Gisela Toussaint
Geigersbergstr. 31
76227 Karlsruhe

This press release can be downloaded here.

Speech to Extinction Rebellion

Two instruments of international law for effective enforcement of the Paris Agreement:

International criminal law and "ius cogens“

Speech by lawyer Gisela Toussaint at the demonstration of Extinction Rebellion in Berlin in front of the Brandenburg Gate on 7.10.2020

The greatest threat to all mankind is undoubtedly the climate catastrophe.

Without immediate and massive countermeasures, as decided in the Paris Agreement, various climate tipping points will be exceeded, leading to a very rapid global heating of the earth.
As a result, all of humanity would lose its existential basis for life within a few decades and be completely wiped out.

The problem we all face is that the governments are hardly implementing the Paris Agreement at all and that massive profit interests, especially of the fossil industry, have so far been very successful in preventing this.

Download the speech here.