

Business & Politics

10 Reasons for Climate Goals 2020

10 Gründe, warum die deutschen Klimaziele 2020 auf keinen Fall aufgegeben werden dürfen sondern sogar unbedingt erfüllt werden müssen:

  1. Schon die behauptete Notwendigkeit für die Aufgabe der Klimaziele 2020 besteht tatsächlich gar nicht, denn die Ziele können nach wie vor leicht erreicht werden durch den schnellen Ausstieg aus der Kohle, durch die Streichung der Diesel- und Kohlesubventionierung, durch eine Verkehrswende, den schnellen Ausbau sowie Subventionierung erneuerbarer Energietechnologien u.v.m..
  2. Die Klimaziele 2020 sind zur ersten und wichtigsten Phase der Klimaziele 2050 geworden. Ohne sofortige grundsätzliche Klimaschutzmaßnahmen innerhalb des verbleibenden Zeitfensters bis 2020 ( vgl. Mission 2020) sind die weiteren Phasen bzw. ein verspäteter Start erster größerer Maßnahmen völlig zwecklos, da sich dann das Klima schon so weit aufgeheizt hat, dass die weitere galoppierende Erderwärmung nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist.

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In his New Year message, Secretary-General António Guterres issues 'red alert,' urges world to come together in 2018 to tackle pressing challenges.

Red alert, UN-Secretary-General António Guterres (youtube Video)

Three years to safeguard our climate

Article: 'Stockholm Resilience Center' available for download here

Jan, 4th 2018

Charge of crime of global genocide against Malcom Turnbull and Gautam Adani

Charge of crime of global genocide against Prime Minister of Australia, Malcom Turnbull, and chairman of indian Adani Group, Gautam Adani

Charge of crime of global genocide

Statement of the German Bundesbank

Statement of the IMF to UN Climate Agreement of Paris

„If we don’t do anything about climate change now, in 50 years time we will be toasted, roasted and grilled.


So decisions are needed at this point in time.”


This official statement IMF Chief Christine Lagarde made on 15.10.2017 at the international conference „The Big Shift: What New Frameworks Are Needed to Understand the Future“ in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to oil sheiks, watch on YouTube.


By this IMF statement she openly acknowledges the causality between not fulfilling the UN Climate Agreement of Paris and the then most cruel devastation of not only some thousand, million or billion people but whole global mankind.


This causality is made justiciable at least by this highly official IMF statement.


Chiefs of governments, industry and investment funds who are obligated by the UN Climate Agreement of Paris to act but do not act, do commit most cruel global genocide.



Charge of crime of global genocide

Hydrogen instead of oil

The beginning of a new industrial revolution to save global climate

The German company KEYOU has invented a brand new technology, which can easily change an ordinary Diesel-motor to a hydrogen motor with nearly the same power.

This is the end of oil epoch.

And therefore this will save our global climate and mankind.

Please inform about this sensational new technology of the company KEYOU and give your support.

Proposal of a UN Declaration on Global Genocide

Proposal of a UN Declaration on Global Genocide to the 27nd UN General Assembly in New York, starting on September 12th, 2017:


"The UN General Assembly for a most effective protection of global mankind judges that boycotting, ignoring or acting against the UN Climate Agreement of Paris and its rules to decarbonize and to change industry to renewable energy as soon as possible by leaders of governments, industry or investment funds would be seen and charged as committing global genocide and/or global crime against humanity."

„New Planetary Deal“ - „Global Green Economy“

The United Nations Climate Change Agreement has for the first time decided on drastic global economic restraints and targeted economic management measures, as this is the only way to limit global warming to 2 degrees and prevent it from increasing to uncontrollable heights and destroying the world's population.

In addition, as part of these economic steering measures, poverty is also to be fought, the gap between rich and poor must be significantly reduced, the UN Human Rights Charter finally implemented and the natural resources for future generations preserved.

The UN - and not the WTO or neoliberal free trade treaties - has ushered in a global reorientation of the entire global economy to a common interest and climate protection-oriented global fair social market economy.

This new world economic order already calls the Deutsche Bundesbank a "Green Economy". I propose a "New Planetary Deal".

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Charge of climate crimes against mankind

Sending the following charges to the Generalbundesanwalt and the International Criminal Court (ICC):

Anzeige von Klima-Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit
Charge of Climate Crash Caused Genocide
Charge of Climate Crash Caused Genocide II
Charge of War Against All Nations
Charge of War Against All Nations II

Charge of high treason by "Free trade agreements"

Sending the following charge to the Generalbundesanwalt:

Charge of high treason

Letter to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) from May 23rd, 2016
ZDF heute journal from May 25th, 2016

Co-establishment of Berlin as fashion capital in January 2002

On the occasion of its 100th anniversary of the Berlin public transit company in 2002: design, production and marketing of a Chanel fashion line based on the red-and-orange checkered wool plush used for the seats of Berlin's fleet of busses. The campaign received tremendous press (newspaper, TV) attention, crowned by an article in SPIEGEL magazine. A Reuters segment was broadcast worldwide via CNN. The highly unusual fashion in the classic Chanel style, with pagoda and bon-bon hats, opera clutches and felt slippers, and the worldwide media attention it garnered were the climactic event in the establishment of Berlin as a fashion capital rivaling Paris, London, New York and Milan.


Organic, gourmet and cocktail kiosk concept

Organic, gourmet and cocktail kiosk concept, developed in 2005 as a concept for improving the nutritional options for children and youths on the go in big cities. (At that time Berlin was still a barren landscape in terms of gourmet food.) At the same time, the general culinary awareness in Berlin was to be raised, and good food, including for example truly good tea from kiosks for drinking on the go, and fresh milk or cocoa from a milk dispensary, should be brought into daily life. Contact with Partner für Berlin, Wall AG, Jamie Oliver 2006, Alnatura 2009.


Development of a marketing concept for "Smartfish" and its Swiss designer, Mr. Koni Schafrot, in October 2005. As few European airplane manufacturers were interested in adopting the trailblazing new airplane construction with the streamlined form of a fish, the Chinese market and its growing interest in the development of a domestic airplane manufacturing industry were to be studied.

Obama Doctrine

Economic and environment policy strategy for President Barack Obama, see Climate.

US Think Tank

under direction of George Clooney, see Climate.

Contact with Desertec

Contact with Desertec at the 2011 CeBIT, discussion of integration of a Silicon Valley for climate protection technology in Israel and Palestine as part of a peace plan; the concept called for a large Green Energy belt running from Morocco across North Africa to Israel/Palestine and on to Iran.

Contact with Deutsche Bank

Proposals to Mr. Anshu Jain in March 2012 on founding of two new departments within the Deutsche Bank and two new female (!) board members based on the model of Christine Lagarde: Head of Global Finance Stability and Head of German and International Energy Revolution. See also Climate.

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