

Allianz zur Rettung der Welt

20. Mai 2020

Dear António Guterres (UNSG), Fatou Bensouda (ICC), Amal Clooney (ICC), Jennifer Morgan (Greenpeace Int.), Dr. Monica de Bolle (Peterson Institute), Prof. Schellnhuber (PIK),

as you all know: If the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest continuous by only one further percent several tipping points of our climate will occur = point of no return for climate change. In short: The Evapotranspiration system gets lost (ability to self humidification) [1], → earth's biggest CO2 sink disappears[2], → quick enough shut down of CO2 emissions to stop global warming won't be possible anymore [1][2][3][4]

This causing is global genocide according to article 6(c) Rome Statute and crime against humanity article 7 (1)b Rome Statute! Fatou Bensouda and Amal Clooney: Please publish an official statement in the name of the International Criminal Court, start an investigation and implement protective measurements (Art. 68 Rome Statute).

António Guterres: Please ask the UNGA members to convene an emergency special session to convoke an emergency resolution.[5]

Jennifer Morgan, Dr. Monica de Bolle, Prof. Schellnhuber: Please organize an international, public support for our alliance with your scientific expertise.

Please report back and contact within each other.

Sincerely yours,

Elias Pfeffer - FridaysForFuture Europe

Schickhardtstr. 9, 72072 Tübingen, Germany, phone: +4917663895331






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