"Mankind in itself is … not protected"
The German Chief Federal Prosecutor refuses to process my charge of crime of global genocide of 6.9.2018 with the total absurd argument:
„Mankind in itself is (by Art. 6 and 7 Rome Statute, abbr. G.T.) … not protected“.
(The english version of the charge of crime (for the ICC) you can download here, the statement of the German Chief Federal Prosecutor here).
This argument is blanc nonsense because the Chief Federal Prosecutor himself acknowledges in his statement: „The elements of crime of Art. 6 Rome Statute protect the interest of global mankind to keep diversity of people …“
But if this diversity of people now is in danger – by governments not fulfilling the Paris Agreement and the so starting unstoppable climate catastrophe – to be reduced to zero, this interest to be protected by Art. 6 Rome Statute is obviously pertained.
Please do send a protest to the German Chief Federal Prosecutor and demand the immediate start of official investigations. Use the reference number 3 ARP 380/18-4 and mail adress: poststelle@generalbundesanwalt.de.
And I have sent a slightly enlarged charge of crime of global genocide to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Den Haag, which did not send a statement yet.
Please do as well – as hundrets of thousands of people - send a protest to the ICC and demand the immediate start of official investigations. Use the reference number OTP-CR-533/18 and the mail adress: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int.
May be just this way the global change of politics to immediate and most ambitious fulfillment of the Paris Agreement by new governments and for soonest avoiding of climate catastrophe is possible.
The strike posters for calling these new governments and chief public prosecutors for future you can download here and here.